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I saw it tonight, just my review.

- If you really want to hate this movie you probably will find reasons to do so, that said it wasn't nearly as bad as some of the naysayers were saying. I'd say it's about Ghostbusters II tier, maybe a touch better. The 1st half of the movie is better than the 2nd half, I felt like the special effects kinda over took the movie a bit too much in the 2nd act.

- The cast is actually ... pretty good. They all do a passable job, Wiig and MacKinnon are the best. Chris Hemsworth is funny too, but I think they maybe overdid it with some of his jokes. Leslie Jones is better than I feared she would be.

- The humor is different from the original, but it's not to say it doesn't work, I was surprised to find myself chuckling pretty much from the opening sequence onwards. Some jokes landed flat, but most of them worked.

- The cameos were fun, but probably honestly didn't need to be in the movie and kinda slowed the movie down.

- The villian isn't a bad idea actually, but the actor playing him basically dissapears in the third act, which I think was a mistake, he needed to be fleshed out a bit more. Though I understand the villain in this film being more small potatoes ... this is to Ghostbusters what Batman Begins was to Batman, so I didn't have as much of a problem with that.

- The script needed probably one more rewrite to smooth out some problems, the movie does a better job in the first half as I said. Second half kinda devolves into a special effects action set piece and that is the weakest part of the film.

- Having said that, the 3D is *fantastic* in this movie, I think it is really the best 3D I've ever seen in a movie, better than Avatar even. The ghosts really *pop* out of the screen and there are a few actually scary moments here.

I'd give it a 6.5/10 (for reference I'd give Ghosbusters II about the same score, maybe a touch lower, and the original Ghosbusters 9/10). It is better than Indepedence Day by a large margin and other summer blockbusters like Tarzan. Go see this instead, it's not without flaws but it does work, and make sure you see it in 3D, the 3D again is quite impressive. 

I'd be down with for a Ghostbusters 2 with this same cast, but the script needs to take it up a notch.