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SvennoJ said:

Interesting stuff. I'm actually surprised that they don't store the data of generated planets, instead calculations will keep generating the planet exactly in the same way no matter how many times you or other people visit it.

I love the fact that planets are generated taking into consideration how close they are to their Sun. So if they are the right distance away from their Sun it will be a "Goldilocks" planet with liquid lakes, clouds and atmosphere. To close it will be burnt to a crisp and further away it will be cold. It's not randomly generated and a lot of thought has been put into how everything is created on the fly.

It's pretty much the same as how Elite Dangerous generates the galaxy (apart from the sectors with real stars added) That has led to several meta games for exploration, for example Earth like planets around a neutron star are a hot commodity.

Elite dangerous is a mix of procedural generation and some random elements. Every single rock on a planet surface is the same for everyone visiting there, however ship wrecks etc are player or instance dependent. NMS might not be multiplayer yet the community around it can potentially become as invested and even bigger than that around Elite Dangerous' exploration.
For over a year exploration was a very solitary affair in ED as well, still is most of the time. At the start of the year the community organized a 3 month expedition with over a 1000 members to the other side of the galaxy. Who knows where NMS might go after the center has been reached.

Pretty cool that exploration part and Elite Dangerous!

What do you mean by "for over a year exploration was.." as if it isn't anymore. Is it because the whole ED universe has been charted or its becuse interest in it died?

What are you gaming platsforms btw SvennoJ, and have u played Elite Dangerous a lot?

And this 1000 member expeditions sounds exciting. How did it happen? Were people physically travelling with space chips in a certain direction during a 3 month period?