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Some console fans argue that PC gaming is too difficult to get into and too expensive. But its not! There are so many choices that you can build a PC with a decent enough rig to just run current gen game, or a high end PC to run them at the best setting, or anything that falls between these two.

Here are some of the things that make PC gaming better:

Free online

Can play all games released in the last three decades on one platform

Steam prices are cheap

Supports mods

Can play a game at the highest settings possible

Can emulate older consoles

Gets most indie games

Simulation and RTS games that consoles lack

Best controlsfor shooters are keyboard and mouse

Also supports controllers for games that are better with them

Accessories are cheaper

You can build a cheaper and weker PC than consoles or a better and more expensive one, you have so many options


This gen it has become even better:

Will get all Xbox exclusives

Can play some PlayStation exclusives

Basically playing exclusives from both sides but at higher settings if they build a powerful PC


I'm a PlayStation fan but you have to be kidding me to say that consoles are better than PC's in any significant way.