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Foshoryuken said:
ssj12 said:

 a Patapon, echochrom, Kratos, or a Helghast


LOL, SSJ12 are you drunk? Your joking, right? (If not?....Whew, Houston we have a problem.)

Patapon has not even topped 2/5 of a million.  I bet you there aren't 375K people in the world who know what Patapon are. ioi is more poular than Patapon!

Echochrom? What is this? lol

Kratos? Oh yeah, God of War. This is somewhat a legit well known character.

Helghast? Is a what? Come again? Oh, a character from, and I quote "lame" FPS called Killzone. Again, I bet the majority of gamers do not even know what Helghast are.

The point of mascot's are well known characters. Or atleast that is what I thought.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Please.


Is that why it sold 2 million copies? Is that why Killzone might have been average gameplay but visually it was stunning?


that right there, is better looking then the Halo and is damn close to Halo 2.


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