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What it's really about is the question "When does a fetus become a person".

If you think it's when the sperm meets the egg, then you're wrong and stupid and probably a religious zealot.
If you think it's when the fetus leaves the mother then you're also wrong and stupid because the baby clearly has a functioning brain the day before birth.

It's a biological debate at it's heart, and you have to look at how the brain develops in the human fetus to even begin to make an educated guess at what point it becomes sentient life.

Here's an interesting factoid for you. Most places in Europe that are held up as being "Liberal" (by the US use of the word, which is painfully wrong, but whatever) like Sweden and the Netherlands actually have shorter periods where it's legal to abort than the US.

The US time limit was decided on in the supreme court by the fact that the fetus is not viable outside the mother after a certain time (20 weeks? I don't remember). I think putting the limit there is a bit misguided because they didn't look at what matters which is the development of the brain. But I get that there was a lot of legal ju-jutsu and stuff in that court case so it was probably the best they could do.
I don't think it's worth revisiting to re-adjust because the debate in the US is so poisoned by religious nonsense.