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BvS is a more uneven film, some times bordering on being laughably bad, but somehow it kinda ... works, lol. And when it does I found it better than Captain America.

Maybe I just like the characters of Superman and Batman more, they're just more mythic, the characters in the Marvel movies just feel like "dude in a suit".

Also while BvS may get blasted for shoe horning in characters, the way Spider-Man was shoved into Cap 3 was laughably stupid and such a blatant "lets stop this movie for 10 minutes so we can randomly set up the next Spider-Man movie".

Another weakness of Cap 3 is I feel like Captain America has zero character development. He's always right, or at least he always thinks he's right, which comes off as smug and asshole-ish in a way. I think it would have been better if he started the film leaning towards signing or being conflicted and then as the film goes on coming to the conclusion that he can't support what Tony is doing.

There aren't any real emotion stakes in Marvel movies either. They're enjoyable, but they're almost borderline comedies with all the little jokes, you don't ever really fear or feel anything for the characters other than "ha, this dude is cool and funny". There's no sense of danger. The end fight with Cap and Tony raised the temperature a bit at least.