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Okie_Loki said:
Guitarguy said:

$900 million box office is impressive in the general scheme of things ie. not many movies come near that. But in terms of the ROI(return on investment), the movie itself did poorly. $400 million in reported production and marketing budget combined, only for the studio itself to make back about $450 million(theatres get half the gross). So the studio invested all the time, money and effort into a massive project, only to make $50 million profit whilst Deadpool was a $60 million production(throw on another $60 million and marketing) and made almost $800 million gross world wide(close to $400 million for the studio), equating to about a 300 million dollar profit on a $120 million investment. Batman V Superman is a failure for the studio. It might not be considered a "commercial failure" in the public's eyes but I definitely don't see WB being happy with only making $50 million profit on a $400 million investment.

That's a good point. I will agree that I don't believe WB is happy, which is why I think the rumors of them bringing in big name producers for JL  (instead of just giving Snyder the ax) is, in their eyes, the best way to move forward. I do think they were expecting an easy billion from this and reality has hit them.

I do think they were expecting to crack the billion dollar barrier fairly easily but sadly that didn't happen. Hopefully they learn in moving forward and control their budgets more tightly and have a more focused story. I really don't think the movie had to set up for Justice League that extensively as it did, too much time was devoted to that and the main story became dilued(in my opinion). Justice League, if done properly will sell on its own merits and brand name. Sadly I think the studio forced the director/writers to implement the Justice League angle into the movie which is something studios have done in the past because they provide the dollars. It's like with Alien 3 and Fox Studios micromanaging every element of the script and production because ultimately, they are funding the whole movie. Even heavy weight directors like Ridley Scott have seen studio interference overcome their own intentions(Blade Runner was re-cut with narrative voice over against Ridley's wishes etc). Once in a while you get a guy like Quentin Tarintino who pretty much calls the shots but he writes his own movies, shoots relatively fast, keeps a tight budget and has a good partnership with the Weinstein brothers.