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spemanig said:
potato_hamster said:

That's a cherry picked statistic if I ever heard one. While technically true, the entire concept of a "generation" is completely arbitrary.

Generations are arbitrary now? Saying that the Wii, DS, PS3, PSP, and 360 were part of the same generation is cherry picked now? Lmfao get out of here.

Generations were always arbitrary. If you don't believe me then I could justify that the Gameboy was part of either the NES, SNES or N64 generation depending on... well arbitrary reasons. I could also argue that consoles and handhelds aren't the same generations because... arbitrary reasons.

It's all arbitrary. Someone just randomly decided that X point in time was the start of one generation and Y point in time was the start of another, and everyone else went along with it. It's all meaningless.