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Greetings fellow gamers,

I thought a quick update would be appropriate at this time since it's been about a month since the launch of the supporter program and if you haven't read my wall or the support thread you might be under the impression that nothing much as moved.

The first addition I made after the launch was the Ignore function which has been added for all supporter tiers. After that I've started on a much bigger project: the design of a new interface for VGC/gamrConnect. 

For this task, I've been cooperating with Machina and spemanig who have provided feedback and new ideas to try and make that design efficient, fresh while maintaining all the tools we currently have right now and above all the new design will be responsive which means it'll adapt to any screen resolution meaning there will be a proper mobile version for VGC.

When the design is complete and satisfies both my partners, it's going to go to the crucial phase of getting approved by ioi. There's no guarantee that he'll be on board with a change that big but I do think he'll be able to see the huge benefits this could bring the site.

My reasoning behind doing this now is that for many of the features planned/requested I'm running into hurdles when it comes to matching the current code with the new stuff I want to implement so instead of doing work arounds now and then undoing them later I figured that since a new design basically forces me to go through every page on the site it'll allow me to tidy things up which is gonna ease the integration of new cool features.


[April 22nd Edit]

Yesterday, I submitted my work on the new design to ioi and I'm happy to report that, in his own word, "he loves it". There are still some positioning changes to be made before it's completely approved but as a whole the comments are very positive and things can move forward from there.

Signature goes here!