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My Top 3 So far! (Still waiting for Big Order and a "good" time to watch Super Lovers! <---- But I already read the manga So I know this shit will be the IT!) 


1. Mayoiga   

<----- It Already had a moment in Ep 1 When the girl vomit on the driver XD Couldn't stop laughing! Im also feeling the "Mystery" vibe, and I am liking most of the characters! 


2. Tanaka-kun

<----- DANG!!!! HE IS LIVING THE LIFE!!!!!!!!! Lots of moments in EP 1 which had me laughing!!!! I like his friend's reaction's on him too! I ship them too as well!!!! (Sorry just a fundanshi user here!) 


3. Sakamoto desu ga?

<------- I love how the MC here is kinda like the opposite to Tanaka!!!! BADASS!!!!! My reaction to that toilet scene was like the same when magicians do those crazy tricks like how they escape stuff! Next ep already had me HYPE!!!! 


Other ones I have watched are:

- Netoge no Yome (Its on my Maybe! I do like how they all met each other! As an RPG player I can relate to it!) 

- Shounen Maid (Its also on my Maybe! I like the idea, I also ship the two MC as well! Because WHY THE FUCK NOT! But 70% of it had me sleeping!)

- Flying Witch (Its also on my Maybe! Nothing REALLY Stands out from my POV. Like the characters!) 

- Ace Attorney! (Its on on my YES LIST Like the my top 3! The first ep already had me go "WOW! Didn't expect that!" Which I was expecting! Glad it didn't dissapoint!) 

- 12 Sai! (Its also on my YES LIST! EP 1 WAS FUCKING CCCCCCCCCCCCUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love RomComShoujo shit!) 

Pocky Lover Boy!