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1) Expecting Nintendo to step in just seems ridiculous to me. It would do nothing to remove her from the line of fire (especially when she kept stirring the pot) and it would just throw Nintendo as a company into the line of fire. It would accomplish nothing but drawing more targets.
-Side point: The "Rapp was harassed due to implications about her involvement with Fire Emblem's localization" narrative has always been a little fuzzy for me. I didn't see any news about it at the time, but from what I can tell the "harassment" was largely the kind that one would put quotation marks around, if you catch my drift...

2) Yes, Nintendo could serve to be less kid oriented in the way they present themselves, however, there is a big difference between what you portray in art and the way your employees behave. Its one thing to publish a game like Bayonetta, it is another for one of the faces of your company to be posting risque pictures posing with a 3DS on their twitter profile.

3) The pedophilia nonsense is irrelevant nonsense. Yes, she made some statements 5 years ago regarding changes in the legal system. Who cares? There is no risk of her harming kids (from what we've seen) and she didn't really do anything wrong in this avenue other than have an opinion. Do people honestly think that you should be fired for an opinion you expressed five years ago?

@Illusion: I think you are vastly overstating the effect this will have on NoJ...