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Aerys said:
Darc Requiem said:

You and I have different definitions of indirect. If you aim higher caliber machine guns at someone and fire them, it isn't indirect. Indirect would be the deaths caused by battle between Superman and Zod in MoS. Superman was targeting Zod but others died during their battle. 

Except in his batmobile, he doesnt aim anyone ( unless you talk about the scene where he grabs a guy who doesnt want to let go his gun and keeps shooting but kills nothing since batman aim the good parts)

Based on your definition, like i said, others batman killed many more people.

Batman fired his machines guns directly at Lex's goon that was on the gatling gun. That wasn't indirect. He harpooned a car and slammed it on top of another car. That wasn't indirect. Honestly he reminded me of Flashpoint/Thomas Wayne Batman in this movie. Which is fine, but don't give this nonsense about "indirect" kills. You fire a deadly weapon at someone and they's not indirect. if he had shot out a guys tires and their car careened into someone else that would be indirect.