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The movie could have an IMDB user rating of 0 and would have managed to make some hundred million WW first weekend. Simply because it's a hyped movie with a huge budget for marketing and contains Batman and Superman which is enough to get many people in the movies (also those who don't know much about comics but simply know Batman and Superman )

It's really not an achievement, it would be an achievement to have awesome legs with low drops but this won't happen. It will be one of the biggest grossing movies of all time but it won't have anything to do with the quality.

I saw the movie in the preview the day before the official release and I really think it was one of my worst ticket purchases ever. I didn't even find the movie bad but also just not good. It was a movie I would watch on TV for free or on DVD/Blu-Ray with some friends if someone would own it but yeah, nothing it was worth my money (at least not that much of it)