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Shadow1980 said:
vivster said:

I don't buy physical goods for anime. I watched over 600 animes in my life but if you step into my flat you would never know that. The only thing that could identify me as anime fan is one single figurine.

When did you first get into anime? I started watching back in the mid to late 90s. Back then the only way to watch was either on TV or to rent VHS tapes from the local Blockbuster. Starting around 2000 you started to see anime on DVD proliferate, and that was probably the best way to watch a large amount of anime. We didn't get affordable broadband internet around here until around 2004-ish, so downloading fansubs wasn't even an option for me for years. I still kept buying anime DVDs, though, but money issues kept me from buying much over the past decade. Fortunately there's Crunchyroll and Hulu for streaming.

I started watching anime pretty much exactly January 2010. First I had to catch up a lot of recommended animes of course. I didn't start to follow seasonal animes before 2013. But since then I'm actively at it and I'm watching on average 25 animes a season.

But even though I watched so many animes, the ones that really had a profound effect on me I can count on 2 hands. Kill La Kill and Bakemonogatari are two of those.

So if I ever buy physical goods it will only be of the very few great animes I've watched. The other item on my to buy list is the whole Claymore manga collection.

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