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Super_Boom said:

I'm just're not the only one who gets that wrong. It's supposed to be a play on words based on a recurring quote that gets brought up...but you wouldn't know that without watching it.

I recommend it if you don't mind the usual shounen cliches. It pretty much takes the best and worst parts of the genre and multiplies them to their ultimate extremes. Friendship power, tons of characters, like thirty fights every arc, and tits...everywhere.

I could actually overlook most of the cliches if it didn't have some of the worst fights in anime.  That's not good when said anime is all about fighting.  Most of the battles follow the same damn formula to the point that the opponents don't really even matter.  

I remember one of the fights during the Magic Games that I was really looking forward to watching, Rufus against Gray.  It was such a disappointment that I felt personally insulted.  I was so pissed off because they'd actually set it up rather well then, bam, same old formula.  Bad Guy hits Good Guy over and over, Good Guy keeps getting up, eventually Good Guy channels friendship power, uses a NEW AND IMPROVED attack with a fancier name, which basically one-shots the Bad Guy.  Argh.  And here I was thinking he'd have to come up with a clever strategy when all he has to do is get a lot stronger over the span of a few days.  Ugh.

Natsudo's fights are even worse, as he just does the same thing as above but with the bonus of learning to eat the opponent's magic when he couldn't before.

I've quit and gone back twice but I think I'm really done this time unless something kills Natsu and someone else takes over as the main character.  That's my hope, anyway.  Even incredibly-weak-but-always-wins-via-banana-peel Lucy would be better.