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Azzanation said:
SvennoJ said:

What do console wars have to do with anything?
Of course gamers want a successful console as that means better support, more care given to the version of the games that runs on that console. That's simple fact. You can already buy a convenient Steam box, yet that's not what console gamers want. With exclusives going multi platform some of that quality and care for the console version may be lost. With the closing down of less succesful studios some variety may be lost, and thus some of the identity of the console.

MS is not turning the gaming industry in what it used to be. Their trying a new walled garden with the windows 10 store. How it used to be was MS flight sim, Age of Empires, Asheron's call, Dungeon Siege, Crimson skies, Rallisport challenge, etc on any version of Windows and some on Mac.

They're not trying to build the XBox brand, they're trying to build the Windows 10 store. XBox brand and console play second fiddle to that from now on. They're retreating from the console war to step right into the online store war.

It's OK if PC gamers don't want an XBox one, it's not OK if they don't want Windows 10. That's the new message.

Windows 10 Store is the gaming side of MS.  In other words, you purchase a game on Windows 10, your increasing Microsoft's profit. The more popular Windows 10 store becomes, the more money MS gets.

Its Microsoft's way to increasing Windows 10. The better they look on paper the bigger they become.

Fixed. This is easily what it could become or what they're working towards. Wins 10 store absorbs xbox brand and just sells the games as win 10 games.