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Nuvendil said:
curl-6 said:

You think Devil's Third is a good game though. :P

Well I agree as well in many ways.  The story doesn't quite measure up but there are many areas where X shows superior design.  And even from a narrative standpoint it has advantages.  

Also, for me the ending wasn't so bad cause I do like the bizarre speculation it generates.  Also, I personally found that, in a weird way, a lot of things made sense.  If the planet is the key, that is.  If the minds of everyone are connected (and in mankind's case sustained) on this planet, that explains why everyone understands each other.  Given mankind is descended from the Samaar, that explains why we are targeted by the Ganglion.  There's a lot of mystery, yes, but a good ending doesn't spell everything out necessarily.  I DO want a sequel, but not just to answer the questions left behind in the wake of the plot but to also see where what we DO know leads.  I personally think the *planet* isn't at work, I think a *person* is.  Namely, Alvis.  If my theory that XCX takes place in the recreated universe seen at the end of XC, then that would make him God.  Also, he was once a computer; it would make sense he would both understand the Lifehold's function and be able to interact with it to preserve it's function.  He exists on a higher plane as well, he would be capable of interacting with the immaterial part of man himself.  And I could absolutely see him acting to bring man (the descendants of the Samaar who I believe are in turn descendants from the Homs (they would have appeared, to the new universe, to have come from another plane)) together with these other races in order to stand up to a threat that is serious enough.  The Ghosts are a very bizarre, powerful race.  We know nothing of what they want.  But I'm willing to bet they are a far more serious threat.

For me, the ending sufficiently wrapped up the mankind vs Ganglion arc well enough, that's all I wanted.  The cliffhanger is a real mindscrew but I like the possibilities.  But yes I want a sequel.  But I wanted one from the moment I saw the opening.  I mean come on, multiple ships escaped; that BEGS for a sequel in and of itself.

If they do make a sequel that ties things up I'll be less cheesed off, but as it things are, I felt a bit led on by the ending. It felt like if XBC had wrapped up when Shulk and the gang defeat Egil in the Mechonis Core.

At XBC's conclusion, I was left satisfied. The mysteries and conflicts were resolved, and these characters I'd come to know and like were given closure.