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Normchacho said:
Azuren said:

You're right. We'll just continue to let the our neighbor to the south rot in drug lord corruption so thick and dangerous that many flee to America in the face of persecution, deportation, and in some cases death. That seems like a much better option, and besides, we've got all that oil to get at over seas. 

So we what? Just start nation building again? Because that just keeps working out doesn't it? There are certainly options that fall between not doing anything, and invading Mexico.

No, not really. The cartel owns Mexico, and anything we do to help their government will be helping the cartel. The problem is the drug lords are the government. If we do anything to help get rid of them, it will be met with opposition. It's not like Iraq where bad people were in charge. It's bad people controlling whoever happens to be in charge at the time. 

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