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Nem said:
Soundwave said:

I wonder if you'll post here the day this is revealed and admit you were wrong for like several months. 

If its true, sure. But you're not gonna make me assume something that is definitly not there.

Though i also think that if it really is a new home console against all odds, and its coming out this fall. Not only will i be very impressed by Nintendo if it has more than 3-4 games during the first year, as if its not on x86 technology it will probably be Nintendo's last home console system, because its gonna bomb really hard.

It's not like x86 is some magical technology provided Nintendo is even interested in using it. 

Zelda U (launch day), Smash Brothers (1-2 weeks post launch) right off the bat for example would start the system off very strongly and gives them time to get a proper 3D Mario from EAD Tokyo not soon after launch, etc. etc. 

Hell it wouldn't stun me if Pokemon Sun/Moon are also on the NX as well as 3DS (kinda weird Nintendo showed zero footage of the game in the unveil) if its a unified platform.