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Nem said:
Soundwave said:

He's made other posts on NeoGaf, this one spells it pretty damn clearly:

All North America releases. 

I wasn't clear huh? My exact words were: "Nintendo NX is definitely launching in 2016 and Zelda NX will be a launch window release, so it could either launch on NX or release shortly after the release of the NX. Either way Nintendo is trying to release Zelda Wii U and Zelda NX at the same time period for the holiday season 2016"

*I have PM'd Bishoptl all the evidence he needs to know exactly who my source is. I await his response*

I want to give a very special thanks to my source, this individual has been so cooperative and helpful through this entire situation since last week. I wouldn't be surprised if there was still any doubts left that they would provide dental records to boot LOL. 

All jokes aside, THANK YOU!!!!

So, i want to let you know that Disney art academy was leaked by retailers , so he can simply have retailer data.

Again, he doesnt say Zelda NX and Wii U are the same game. Just that are both targeting the same release window. Nor does he confirm anywhere that NX is a home console.

lol, I think you are really stretching this now. 

What really is your problem with NX and Zelda in 2016 anyway? What's the big deal?