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It's pretty much the worst kept secret in the gaming business right now.

It's launching with the NX just like Twilight Princess did with the Wii.

There's like only 4 or 5 people left on this board that are serious denial about it, but the leaker who leaked Pokemon Niji (Moon/Sun) and Disney Art Academy has said Zelda is launching with the NX this year. He has a proven track record, the people who keep saying "it's not happening" have nothing to go on but their own personal preference for it not happening, but no basis in any actual sources at Nintendo. 

I will take the word of the guy who has an actual proven track record in this case. 

When it's revealed it won't be much of a surprise now so I don't expect that big of a reaction. 

The Zelda franchise quite honestly sales-wise is kinda overrated anyway. While it has a very loud fanbase on the internet, it was never going to sell probably even half of what Mario Kart 8 or Smash or even Splatoon would have on Wii U alone. It's just a game, yes probably an excellent game, but Nintendo makes many good games.