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1.  One Piece.  It's one of the best written long-running series I've ever seen.  Seriously, the writing is so far above most other action anime than it's not even funny.  Stuff mentioned in episode 50 comes into play in episode 550.  It's an 11 on the EPIC scale.  It's even made me cry more than once.

2.  Gintama.  One of the funniest shows I've ever seen, period.  Nothing breaks the third wall like Gintama or takes more shots at itself.  It has some fantastic characters, too.  Only downside is that the quality has slipped a few times over its long run.  

3.  Bleach.  It has periods of being excellent.  Of course, it also has periods of bleh.  A much better watch if you pretend half of it never happened and skip the filler.

4.  Naruto.  Never liked the main character very much and thought the side characters were much more interesting.  Enjoyed it for awhile, especially the Exam arc, but I quit caring sometime after that.