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Well yeah, by that time, there will most likely be some crazy portable device in some lab that is theoretically stronger than PS4 and Xbox One. But we won't see any end consumer device with that power anytime soon. You can't compare the components directly anyway. On top of that, even if mobile devices get more powerful, they still won't run the games from PS4 and Xbox One, so it's no use anyway. Plus the battery would die after minutes when the device is running at max speed. Instead of beefing up specs, they really should come up with new batteries. My iPhone 5s is doing just fine in terms of power, but charging that sucker every 1-2 days really gets on my nerve. So, dear tech giants, if you wanna impress me, show me a top notch smartphone that lasts a week under heavy use. Thanks.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.