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Farsala said:
curl-6 said:

What required a box the size of the fat PS3/360 a decade ago can now be done in a device much, much smaller because over time fabrication processes get smaller.

Tegra X1 uses a 20nm process, meaning the circuitry is sized at 20 nanometers. For comparison, the PS3 was initially manufactured in a 90nm process, then later 65nm, then 40nm. So even at its smallest, it needs twice as much area as the X1 to pack in the same amount of transisters. Smaller processes mean a higher density can be crammed into the same space.

In 2001, the original Xbox weighed almost 4 kilos. By 2010, the 3DS could produce a similar level of performance while being 1/16th the mass.

Yes, like the Vita and PS3. Vita is a dedicated console though.

The efficiency of mobile has not yet surpassed PS3, if it hasn't beaten Vita yet.

Mobile surpassed Vita performance years ago.

Vita itself uses a mobile chip, of the same family as the iPad 3, which launched in early 2012. Naturally, Vita exclusives will be more optimised for that chip than most mobile games, but chips have come so far in the last 4 years that optimization just can't make up the difference.