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LuckyTrouble said:
You know, I started watching that show with the flying shoes and stupid sport this season because they tossed a romance tag on it and the description tried to sell it as a romance anime. Six episodes in, and the MC has yet to show any of that latent talent he's supposed to have. Plus, the MC and main chick haven't gotten any closer to romance than him accidentally seeing her in her underwear because of house proximity and nobody using blinds, and this happened in episode one or two.

My disappointment here is real.

Seeing her in her underware?  You mean the girl from the other school he saw through his window?

I'm enjoying the anime a lot, probably for the exact reasons you dislike it.  I thought it was going to be a predictable anime where boy meets girl and they start making googly eyes at one another from the beginning and she almost instantly solves his mental hang-up.  However, to my surprise, it's so far been more about the entire team and has been flowing along rather naturally.  In fact, I'm rather pleased that the guy's problem has taken a backseat while the other members grow and become more skilled.