Dr.Henry_Killinger on 12 February 2016
1. Weekly XB1 overtaking Wii U thread: WIll it happen this year? 295
2. DriveClub’s upgrade program is anti-consumer and a slap in the face to PS4 fans #NoExcuse 282
3. PlayStation created the Industry, Xbox changed the playing field 220
4. Christianity is Anti-Hatred of People or Groups of People183
5. T.E.C.H. r - Chapter 1 166 :<
6. Explain: Sony abandoning the Vita 153
7. Best Article Evar 147
8. 60 is definitely playable, but its not ideal 142
9. More Vita Games than 3DS Games 117
10. Lets face it: 3DS is Wii U's worst enemy 100
10/179, 5.5%
Runner Up: Should Sony offer a Power-Cord less SKU? 32
In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank