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I don't see the fault here, guess it's opinion based. The game was designed for the Gamepad, you don't like it? Don't buy it.

You see this in many annoucements from Nintendo, people are just too quick to judge.

Super Mario 3D World: everyone was let down by its resemblance with SM3DL. After each little new trailer the game's reception got better and better.

Star Fox Zero: everyone was let down by its initial no show at E3 and its next year announcement of a "gamecube" game. After the newer trailers people claim see improvements in the graphics.

Recently, the TPHD: what a let down ehh? Well apparently it's so much better now after media starting to come out. (Still I'll only double dip if the game comes with Link's Crossbow Training as the non-fake rumour states)

I'm sure there are more.

Now to the Gamepad issue. Years back lots complained about the Gamepad, that it had no real reason to exist. Then software is being made for it, and I guess the other band complains about the Gamepad use limiting their dream vision of the game.

Same with amiibo. Damned if you use in a game significantly, damned if there is no use for them.


Just wait.

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