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GribbleGrunger said:
AlfredoTurkey said:
Another ho-hum, by the numbers set of games which we have all been playing endlessly for years now. Innovation, where be thy? I seriously miss the days when games like Toejam & Earl, Earthworm Jim were able to sell copies. Hell, I'll even take the PS1/PS2 era where we had sandbox, JRPG, racing sims, survival horror games selling well. So much more diverse.

There's stacks of diversity this generation.


Yes but the most creative and innovative games are usually selling a 10th of what COD sells. This wasn't the case back in the day. Sales were more even between genres. During the PS2 era, JRPG and racing sims sold about as well as GTA. A game like Devil May Cry was a hit. It's not like that anymore. If it doesn't have guns, it hardly sells. No online play? Good luck selling copies. New IP? Good luck with that.

I am aware I sound like Cranky Kong... but these darn kids... they don't know a good game if they saw one! lol