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Soundwave said:
ArchangelMadzz said:


Probably not, good thing that has nothing to do with the conversation.

It has a wider appeal than Star Trek, box office numbers prove that. But as I said there are lots of people that see 'Star wars' and don't want to go near it, OR people that want to get into it but feel they'd be lost with it being episode 7.


I think you're underselling Star Wars, you don't get massive box office like this without tremendously wide appeal. 

When I saw it again a couple of weeks ago in the afternoon, there were like 6 or 7 senior couples watching it. There were kids. There was a 40 something woman in front of me with her elderly mother. It's not just one demographic. 

Star Wars is really more fairy tale/epic myth than it is science fiction, that's why it appeals very broadly across the board. 


I didn't say it was just one demographic. I'm saying it doesn't have the wide enough appeal to beat or match avatar because of what I said earlier.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'