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Actual game titles!
Kingdom Hearts 1
Kingdom Hearts 1.5
Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 (is this like.... Kingdom Hearts 4? fuck)
Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts 2.5
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD
Kingdom Hearts 0.2
Kingdom Hearts 3
Kingdom Hearts 3 D
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts X

That isn't even including named titles of Chain of Memories, Coded, Birth By Sleep.

A game series where you need to go and look up which actual games come in what order like Kingdom Hearts gets struck off the list for me, the 2.8 was the last straw I think in terms of "name of a video game so stupid sounding I can't request it vocally in a store"

Was a great idea for a title originally tho, when it was going back to old school movies as a nostalgia fest, later games in the series tho... far less nostalgia'y for me tho, only feeling nostalgia for the earlier games in the series when playing them.

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