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Yes I'm fine with it. And I paid the full $350 for my Wii U on day 1 (on top of $250 for my 3DS at launch). Nintendo doesn't "really" support their consoles for 5 full years anyway, the final 12 months for the GameCube, Wii, etc. were all crap too.

We're not going to get a Paper Mario, Animal Crossing, or Metroid on Wii U looks like but we did get Nintendo Land, Bayonetta 1/2, Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors, and most importantly Splatoon as basically new IP. Fatal Frame too (finally) for the US.

It's a fair trade off. Beyond that Wii U basically will get all the other important Nintendo staples -- 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, Super Smash Bros, Yoshi, Kirby, Pokemon (Pokken), and even the return of Pikmin and Star Fox for good measure. And it also should be noted that the Mario Kart and Smash Bros. installments on the Wii U are the most content filled installments in those series' by a long shot, they're basically like another 1/2 game of content.