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To be honest even for those who have a giant problem with this ... it becomes a non-issue with three lines in Episode VIII that say she was trained as a child and had those memories repressed for her own safety.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, in fact it's pretty implied with what we saw in VII. No one said you had to have every answer to every thing in Episode VII. Obviously there's something about her past, and she appears to have been at Luke's Jedi training whatever. She's probably his daughter in which case she's had several years of training quite possibly and Jedi instruction embedded into her memory. 

This is different from the prequels where they had like 10-15 major problems. 

I also would say I don't think the general movie going public really had any problems with the Rey character at all. She is a common hero fantasy archetype of the "chosen one/golden child who appears to be a normal person but isn't" whatever that we've seen fifty times before in this type of film (Neo, Luke, Harry Potter, heck Lonestar from Spaceballs lol, etc. etc.).

It's people who are obsessed with things like the Star Wars video games and expanded universe that have a problem with it mostly because they took at the stuff in there to heart and basically the Force is this video game like power-up that you "level up" with rather than being some mystical life force.