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sabvre42 said:
Soundwave said:

Maybe they could have done something original if the prequels didn't fuck the franchise and alienate a large part of the audience. And there would be no "yeah but you gotta watch the next one to see Darth Vader!" hook that saved Ep.III either. 

Star Wars was fizzling out after the prequels ... the Clone Wars animated movie *bombed* and the Phantom Menace 3D re-release was a dud (compare to how enthusiastically A New Hope was re-released to big box office in 1997). 

The franchise was in trouble and declining. Disney is going to make 50 different Star Wars movies anyway, what's wrong with using ONE to re-center the damn franchise and take it back to its roots? The approach they took was smart. 


Because they pulled down their pants and took a shit on cannon. The cannon that hardcore fans have been reading, and playing for years.


Puh-leaze. The canon has 1000 different hilariously stupid things in it and was already throw in the toilet after Lucas wiped his ass with it with the prequels. 

It was *obvious* he did not have the full story plotted out and just a very vague rough back story. 

There is nothing in the movie that's not canon anyway if it does turn out Rey had some training as a child. 

The fanboys are idiots in some ways anyway ... the "Force" is a mystical concept, it's not a goddamn video game power where everything is segmented into things like "Jedi Mind Trick takes XYZ hours to learn", "Jedi Force Push is level 2 Jedi power" ... this is like nerdy people who get all excited by martial arts but think ability is tied to their belt color ("ooh a black belt will always beat a orange belt! The chart says so!"). Star Wars is not a video game or a nerdy board game RPG and never was.