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sabvre42 said:
NightDragon83 said:
AbbathTheGrim said:
NightDragon83 said:

The funny thing is that if we were to apply Episode VII logic to the original trilogy, then Leia, as a direct descendant of Anakin Skywalker, should have been AT LEAST as in tune with the Force as her brother was since they are the exact same age.  Yet she exhibited hardly any ability with the Force throughout the entire trilogy 1) other than to be able to sense that her brother is either in danger (end of Empire) or is OK (end of Jedi).

2) Apparently nobody explained to Han that in Rey's case, why yes, that's EXACTLY how the Force works... as a tool to quickly get our characters out of tricky situations and advance the plot when necessary.

1) Or maybe it was Luke that used his power to call on her? I must admit I always felt like Leia was sensitive to the Force, I even considered the possibility she would be a Jedi in TFA, but maybe Luke called on to her using his power?

I want to believe that Luke somehow activated (lmao) Rey's powers from afar, like next-level Force power from when he called on to Leia.

2) To be fair with Han, he never witnessed Rey doing Force-stuff to have a chance to tell her: "You aren't supposed to do any of that!" :P

I still think JJ & Co rushed Rey's character arc in the film out of both timing / convenience, and of fan service with the repeated callbacks to episodes IV-VI.

2) LOL!  But to be even more fair with Han, here was there pretty much from Day 1 of Luke's training with Obi Wan and saw him go through his early trials and tribulations in developing his understanding and command of the Force firsthand, so Han at the very least was aware that people don't usually go from not even knowing what the Force is to Force Level 10 over the course of a few days lol.

The reason people like me are angry about Rey is not because she has a vagina and is powerful. Rey isn't a mutant from Marvel/DC -- shes a force sensative human being.

Its because they changed the whole concept of the force from being a mystical power that people tap into to just being some major power people are born with. They removed the whole concept of people people needed to attain mastery and just turned Rey into a super hero (although most super heros still take time to come into their full powers).

By breaking cannon with this - they most likely just implemented power creep, and will turn this into the Jedi version of Dragon Ball Z.

Anakin and Luke already broke this tenant. 

Anakin does ridiculous things in Episode I at *age freaking nine* with zero training. Only human who can race pods at 1000 mph? With zero training? Because "Jedi reflexes". Give me a fucking break. Of course he has to destroy the Trade Federation command ship too. 

If it's revealed in Episode VIII that Rey was trained from a young age, she'll have had more training than Luke or Anakin to boot. 

She was at Luke's Academy. She probably could be his daughter even. She may have several years of training for all we know that was repressed within her.