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It's too bad the prequels did a piss poor job of growing the Star Wars brand overseas otherwise I'm sure Avatar would've fallen.

You *must* have likable characters for a movie to play in a big way overseas, they didn't grow up with Star Wars in the same way as Americans did, so "doood, check out teh lightsabre fights!" isn't enough to get to the that higher tier box office, that's just not impressive enough to the global audience alone. 

That's why James Cameron is killing it worldwide ... he makes movies will relatively simple plots, but the main characters are likable, relatable, and themes are very universal.

The Force Awakens is a definite step in the right direction in those aspects, but it wasn't help by the prequels, if anything it was hurt by the prequels, so that's a bit of a bone in its side.

I think there's a fair chance Episode VIII will out gross TFA internationally, but not domestically as a result (provided Ep. VIII is reasonably well done) because VIII will have the benefit of the character/thematic ground work that TFA has laid before it.