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Aeolus451 said:


Do I really have to spell it out? They suck at making consoles because their consoles don't sell well. They don't sell well because the consoles often don't appeal to that many consumers.  It's true that a console is for playing video games but it's a product that is designed to sell to consumers. It's not free to play. Nintendo needs their products to sell.

I can understand that to you ,the GC is the best designed hardware of any gen but to the vast majority of gamers, it's definitely not. The GC as a product failed to appeal to consumers and sell even decently.

If you still don't get what I mean after this post then oh well. I don't have any more patience to keep going in circles.

But you're wrong. Their consoles do sell well. 50% of all their consoles disprove you. The median lifetime sales for consoles is about 30 mil, only two of their consoles doesn't pass that. See, I can make arbitrary standards for what it means to "sell well" just like you.

All I did was to tell you that the Gamecube was fantastically engineered. It was, you can't dispute that because there are real world factors that disprove you. Just like the Commodore Amiga and the Apple 2 line that was ditched in favout of the macintosh. Great engineering can underperform in the market.

And using market performance to try and disprove that point is just sad. You just don't get what I was saying. I bet you were one of the people yelling "SALES DON'T MEAN QUALITY!!!!!!" last gen.