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I was thinking about it and TFA might actually do decently well in China. My reason being it is very much a soft-reboot of the franchise and is a great place to start for people who have never seen a Star Wars movie before. They explain the force decently (which I find super important for understanding SW) and the plot is easy to follow much like the movie it imitates.

The only thing that might confuse Chinese audiences is the references to the older movies. TFA definitely panders a lot to OG Trilogy fans, so I'm not sure if they'd be lost by some of the callbacks they make. As I recall, some of the callbacks they did were as bad as 3D movies trying to push the "oooohh look at this, it's 3D!" sorta vein (I'm looking at you Han Solo randomly appearing in the movie XD). Works for people who have nostalgia for SW, not so much for people who have probably only seen the Prequels