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I watched it and it's my favorite star wars definitely. I watched the trilogy for the first time days before i watched The Force Awakens and while they were good, TFA is better, in my opinion. While it relays heavily, HEAVILY on a New Hope, it's the building blocks to the new trilogy so it is best to play it safe while we are all introduced to the new cast and lore, hopefully episodes 8 and 9 will branch out far more because having 8 play out like Empire strikes back would be bullshit. honestly.

The acting is so much better than the originals, the characters are more likable and i'll be that SJW, I loved the diversity in cast. It's not just an all-white cast of heroes again, it feel like everybody is included in this new trilogy. Kylo Ren is badass but he is human. Hell, he's just a kid honestly and that's perfectly fine. I didn't want a carbon copy of Darth Vader and Kylo Ren, just from this movie, feels more fleshed out than Vader. With Vader, we feel more for him since we've have 6 movies that basically deal with his rise and fall, we see the whole picture. With Kylo Ren, there is still a lot we don't know.

Last but not least, the movie is hilarious and every single joke works wonders. The movie is not perfect, I agree, but it is not the disaster that OP makes it out to be, at all. I think most fans can breath easy knowing that Star Wars made a trumphant (but not perfect) return to the big screen. The real test will be how Episode 8 plays out.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian