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I never use X; I just keep my thumb on A while my pointer fingers alternate between the triggers and bumpers. Beyond the usual adjustment period for a new game's controls, it's never bothered me.

Also, just played Neon cup for the first time, (got my arse handed to me) but Cevo Canyon looks drop-dead gorgeous.


Goodnightmoon said:

Is number 2 here on Spain, just behind Splatoon and also in Canada for what I have read on Twitter. Looks like is doing good, I hope so. In my game says the first cup has a ranking with around 22k best times from different players, so that would mean maybe 30k already sold? 80k is usually the biggest amount indie games get on WiiU and few break that, so around 30k so soon would be a good number I guess? I wonder if we will ever know if this game was sucessfull.

Devs sometimes comment on the sales of their eshop games; I remember Shin'en saying in the past that every game they've made for Nintendo hardware to date has turned a profit, and Frozenbyte saying they were very pleased by the sales of Trine Enchanted Edition on Wii U earlier this year.