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Wyrdness said:
potato_hamster said:

Well obviously there are some cutscenes in MGS5, it is a Kojima game afterall. However, the story of the game is mostly told through listening to cassette tapes at your leisure rather than being forced to watch cut scenes. It is quite obvious that Kojima tried to make a much less cinematic MGS game than its predecessors and there is absolutely no arguing that as he has said it himself. The marketing did not focus on the cinematic elements of this game. In fact they released 5 different videos that completed the same mission five different games. The marketing of MGS5 mostly focused on the gameplay, not on the cinematics. You arewrong.

It's actually quite easy to argue against. Like MGS5, the marketing of TL was more focused on gameplay than on the inclusion of Miis. I never argued that the Miis weren't a draw for everyone, simply that they were not the reason most people bought the game.  I mean it should go without saying that when I say "Nobody cares about Miis" that I don't actually mean literally no one, right? The fact of the matter is that people buy games for many different legitimate reasons and that no one reason can be singled out as to the reason why this game sold well 5 million copies. You keep contending that the main draw of this game is the fact that you can import Miis into the game, that if this game never featured Miis it would not have sold as well. You have not demonstrated this. On the other hand, I contend that you cannot know that and there are all of these other reasons why people may have bought the game, and while the inclusion of Miis may have been a reason, or the reason for some, the vast majority of people who bought and enjoyed the game likely couldn't care less if the game featured Miis, or some other generic avatars. Literally the only way you can prove why people bought that game is if you got ahold of some survey data that asked people why they bought TD and most of the people listed "inclusion of Miis" as one of their top reasons for buying it. You don't have anything like that so you're literally just speculating why people bought it.

So you're contending that all games featuring Miis sell better than similar games without Miis? Because I'm not sure you really want to go there. That's not a direction that makes your case look better. Especially when Game A came bundled, Game B came with a Wii Remote and Game C came with a Wii Remote Plus, but I'm sure those games sold that well because they had Miis in it and not because it came free with a console, or was $10 more than buying an additional Wii Remote.

Prove that Awakening's success was due to its different gameplay and not due to it's marketing campaign. I'm dying to know how you can actually say that this game obviously sold better than its predecessors because of things like its art direction. Prove that is an important deciding factor for people that bought the game. Ohh you think MGS5 sold better thna MGS4 because it was on more platforms? I say that it sold better because it featured base building, soldier recruiting and drivable vehicles. Prove those differences were not as significant of a factor on whether or not people decided to buy MGS5 over MGS4.

MGS5 is just as cinematic as any other MGS game it's just applied to an open world and is more evenly spaced compared to previous games, Kojima also said that the game would answer all questions and it didn't.

Nope the ads for TL are clearly focused on pushing the appeal of creating Miis and their crazy interactions, a marketing campaign focused on Miis would not have yielded any sales is they had no draw. Tomodachi Life wasn't even an established series on top of being different from it's predecessor which was minigame based and was unknown to the west as well who didn't know what the game was about, this why Miis where a heavy focus in the marketing as they're recognizable, how about you prove Miis were not a big draw for a start as you've yet to back anything you've posted until then you'll have to swallow it and don't give no nonsense about no being possible to prove a negative either as that's complete garbage.

Game A wasn't bundled in Japan, still sold around 4m, game C require Motion Plus and was one of the few games that needed it and went on to sell 32m while another game that was bundled with WMP Skyward Sword sold about 4m in comparison.

The evidence is there in the open for Fire Emblem previous games had the same type of marketing and sold less, the game before Awakening sold only 400k, You argued earlier about gameplay in games well that didn't change in Awakening but what I mentioned before did highlighting it had an impact on the games appeal, it sold more on a userbase far less then the platforms the last two on games were on (Wii and DS, 250m users) and it outsold those two games combined.

MGS is simple, base building, recruiting and such has been in the series for a while in a few previous games which haven't sold as well as MGS5, the game has access to the userbases of 360, X1, PS3, PS4 and PC which should easily be a pool of 200m users as opposed to MGS4 which has access only to the 80m PS3 owners. These 5 platforms are also very much geared to similar type of gamers as well.

So much congitive dissonance. On all of your points. Literally all of them. Your cognitive dissonance is astoundingly blatant. You are so sure of your answers when you literally have no credible evidence other than your opinion. I am just wasting my time. This is absolutely ridiculous that you make the same baseless assertion after baseless assertion over and over again.

Look we get it. You think Miis are amazing. Unfortunately for you, the rest of the gaming community as a whole really, really couldn't care less about Miis. Deny it or accept it, I simply do not care. Have a nice life.