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Wyrdness said:
potato_hamster said:

I'm grasping at straws?

The fact that you can import or create generic characters the exact same way as you can in any other game which allows you customize an avatar is somehow unique because that avatar is called a "Mii"? You gotta be joking me.

I create a character in the Sims that looks like Obama. Look Obama is my neighbor. How fun. I can invite Obama to my parties. i can set Obama up with my other neighbors. Obama goes on a date with a sim I created that looks like George Bush. How exciting! Vs - I create a character in Tomodachi life that looks like Obama.  Obama is my neighbor. I can invite Obama over to my parites. ! No wait! This is a Mii specific experience! It's all about the Mii! A Mii is my neighbor! Miis are special!


You can replace the avatars in Tomodachi Life with Microsoft Avatars and it wouldn't change the game in any way! It would play exactly the same. You could do exactly the same with with characters just as custom. The Mii does. not. matter. No one cares whether or not the characters look like Miis or not!

But here is where you lost me. Can you guess where?

"but is built around the quirk and social charm of Miis"

The quirk and social charm of Miis? What quirk and social charm? They literally had zero personalities in any way before this game. They had no voice. They had no quirks. There was literally nothing to distinguish one Mii from the next besides their appearance! They were souless, voiceless avatars that you could customize the look of. That's why when you add or import the character into TL you need to give them a voice, a personality. There is absolutely zero reason why this exactly same game could not be made with literally any other avatar style. None.  What are you getting on with?

You are grasping at straws you have been for a while an example is when you've tried moving goalposts with your under 5m comment earlier, Miis have a distinct style to them that has developed over the years and the game is built around that. Your argument is amusing because earlier you tried using the whole "That can describe anything" yet here you are putting forward something even worse, sure you can replace Conker with Master Chief and CFD would still play the same how ever that doesn't change the fact that may impact the games appeal.

Creating an avatar in the Sims has it's own charmed compare to creating an avatar else where the whole game is built around that style and concept, same with Miis, it's not hard to understand or at least it shouldn't be the reason you're up in arms over it is because you took a stance against Miis and this flat out proves you wrong. This game was introduce to the west highlighting the Miis in an ND for a start and is marketed with Miis being the stars, at this point you need to proved to me that Miis aren't the draw because the whole marketing campaign says you're talking rubbsh.

If you think I moved the goalposts perhaps you should look up what "moving the goalposts" means again. It appears pretty obvious you are mistaken. My point was and still stands that one game selling 5 million 1) is not indicative that Miis are popular and 2) does not indicate that the game is popular because the game featured Miis. That is the point I've made about TL since it was first mentioned, and that is the point I continue to make. No goalposts have been moved.

Ohh yes, because replacing generic avatars that have balls for hands with other generic avatars with fingers absolutely totally changes the appeal of the game the same as replacing an anthropomorphic squirel with a futuristic military solder. Yep, that's totally the same thing. Wait no. Only a  Hardcore Nintendo fanboy would make such a ridiculous argument that the two aren't actually completely different. The cognitive dissonance is very strong in you.

Again. People do not care about Miis the same way people do not care about Sims avatars. If EA make a Sims game with Wii-style avatars and the game play is exactly the same the vast majority of the fans simply will not care, and enjoy it the same. If you changed the art style from a more cartoony style to a more realistic style, the vast majority of fans simply will not care and enjoy it the same. You might care, but you don't represent the average gamer, you're a Hardcore Nintendo fan that seems to pretty firmly believe that Nintendo can do no wrong. Also what does marketing have to do with anything exactly? Nintendo decided to heavily market the fact that you can import Miis into the game? So what? They also marketed the fact that you can import Miis into Smash Bros Wii U and the Wii U version the the worst selling verion yet, so I guess by your flawed logic your point is disproven (Note: I don't actually believe this, I'm just pointing out the glaring holes in your thought process).

See here's the thing about me having to prove you wrong. It's a logical fallacy to expect anyone to prove a negative. You can't prove that we do not live in the matrix. You cannot prove god doesn't exist. I can't prove that Tomodachi Life's success isn't a result of featuring Miis the same way I can't prove Splatoon's success isn't a result of featuring Squid people. You asserted that the success of Tomodachi Life is based on the popularity of Miis, therefore the onus is on you to prove that is true. And this should go without saying, but marketing campaigns are in no way any type of proof that the success of the game has anything to do with the game featuring Miis and not any other type of generic customizable avatar.