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Welcome to gamrTalk! 

In today's interview, I will be taking the questions posed by you (yes, you!) and presenting them to one of the most artistically talented users on the site and one of the revelations of 2015, Cloudman! Let's get this show on the road.




Alright! Welcome to gamrChat Cloud! 

 O: Hello gamrChat!


 o: oh

I'm sure I can edit that out... ¬_¬ 

But from this point whatever you write will be transferred across 100% unedited.

Is that OK with you?

 that's your bad, haha x )

O: that's fine


So why don't you tell us a little about yourself?

 O: I'm Cloudman. I am from the US, and not from Japan as some may have thought before. I like drawing and playing games, obviously, haha.

I like to run too and play tennis. So, there's that...

Ah another avid tennis player are you? That's at least one thing we have in common! 

 : D sweet!

Who is your favourite player? 


._. I don't have one

You more into the playing than the watching I take it 

  That one Japanese player is good

yeah, I've always been like that, haha

Kei Nishikori? 

 but I do know Darvish, haha. Texas Rangers!

that might be him...

people would tell me about him from time to time

Probably. Anyway it's not overly important. 

 True x )

This is why people think you are from Japan! How long were you over there for? 

 About 4 years. I left not too long ago.

Wow four years! Long old time to be away from home .

Did you enjoy it? What was your favourite part?

 It is, haha.

Oh yeah I did!! Japan is pretty great. It's a weird, but fun, interesting place.

It's hard to say. I love the game centers, the kaiten zushi, Book Off, and anime stores!!! x )

Cloudman: Shinto Shrines are cool too... Haha...

Definitely sounds like a good experience, at least. 

Glad you enjoyed it!

 Yeah, I really did. I miss it sometimes...

I can't get sushi from 108 yen sushi shops anymore... T_T

That's understandable given the times, I suppose. 

Wow that's ridiculous. We can take a trip one day, promise!

 sounds good : )

So on gaming, what would you call your favourite game of all time? 

 o: Should I really be saying that? I am part of Smeag's top 50 of all time games event... x )

Noone will remember this in 50 days, I promise 

 Smeags knows all of them too, haha. Sent them a few days ago

(I still need to start work on mine ¬_¬ ) 

 Hahaha, it's coming soon, so I put it into high gear

I can tell you one of the 5 : D

no number in particular

or better yet a hint of my favorite types of games

Sure sure 

Don't know why I picked up my Xbox controller to say that rather than my keyboard

But nvm


Reveal all Cloud! 

 my top favorite games are quick to play games, so there's a hint...

the kind you can beat in a few hours

Ooh you are so cryptic! 

 so maybe that narrows it down a bit? ; )

Will let the readers decide on that one I think 


 that'll be fun to hear what people guess. Smeags is not allowed to comment x )

So as you mentioned Smeags' thread, what would you say brought you to VGC in the first place? 

 That goes really far back actually, when I first started work in Japan

I made new friends, one of them also big into games.

He introduced me to the site, showing me the weekly numbers

we would talk about what was doing good, and have debates.

He was big into Sony, and well, I really like Nintendo, so you know how that went sometimes... >_>;

Anyways, I saw the threads in the hot topics, and sometimes I would check them

If it's anything like VGC I guess you ended up experiencing several fisticuff sessions 

 hahaha, yeeah...

But a nice story! Goes to show the sales do still attract an awful lot of attention

 I sometimes got interested in people discussing various topics, and I really wanted to join. So one day, I did...!


Easy enough to do

 I was really nervous though. I was a shrub in a place of different people and big names

I guess I've fitted in now, haha...

That is understandable, trying to join a new community can be daunting 

Definitely! We wouldn't be chatting otherwise :)

 Yup, definitely!

Yeah, true...

Your drawings have clearly left a mark on the site, which helps. Why are you so good? :P 

 Thanks! I think I am far from good, but it makes me happy people like them.

I would draw all the time. My parents would say I often had a pencil in my hand

I would draw game characters, like Sonic, Bomberman, and Ristar.

I would draw and play games of Zombies Ate My Neighbors with a friend who also drew

That's pretty awesome I have to say 

 Drawing was a big part of my life I guess, haha...

No wonder you're so good if you started so young! 

 It got bad in high school. My teachers would get so mad! x )

Do you have an all time favourite piece you'd like to share? 

 Oh, way to put me on the spot ; )

I'll need to check my folder. I have a lot of dump pics with me.

Hey the question was there. Blame Platina 

 Maybe this will suffice?

That'll do just fine. That's awesome! :) 

 Thanks Plat... : /

Yes we all hate Platina 

Oh damn I forgot we weren't editing this



 Some people saw this, so this will be boring to them, but the general public can see it


Let's gloss over that 

You might think of yourself as pretty average but you're pretty awesome in my eyes

 I have more I could show. Maybe when I get my art thread in gear

Ooh sounds exciting! 

Who would be your VGC inspiration(s), then?

 It's a WIP, so it'll take some time...

No rush :) 

 Oh, that's such an embarrassing question, haha..

When I was still lurking, I really admired people like Captain Yuri, Curl-6, and Spemanig, haha...


 I was happy when I could talk to them...



 I didn't know you yet : (


Big scary mods no one likes right ¬_¬

 There are probably some more, but I am forgetting some people

Anyway those users are pretty cool. Good choices! 

 I liked GreenSky too, haha

Nice guy who really made me feel welcome : )

That's very true. 

 But I've made more friends now, so I am happy : )

Ofcourse you took a hiatus during your move a few months back 

Do you think that the site has changed in that time?

 Yeah... I did leave a bit...

I felt it did. The energy feels a bit down since I came back. I blame the season... : /

The cold tends to slow things down a bit, unless you live in the south! x )

For sure. But now the numbers are the returning and the ambassador program kicking into gear...we should hopefully see activity pick up 

 Yes! Good work Machina! O:

I said that correctly, right? o:



 Actually, good work VGC staff. Y'all be great : )


You are too kind

So we're running out of time the more unusual questions!


What one videogame character would you take to bed with you? 

 Oh, hmmm

First girl that comes to mind is Rosalina, haha...

For some reason, I really like Rosa as a character

You like the taller girls do you 

Interesting ;)

 Actually, I like twin tail glasses girls x )

She is high on the sass scale 

 but that's my own character...

Are you referring to your avatar here? 

 I do like Rosa's sassy

I am : )

What's her name? 

 I haven't quite given her a name, so I just call her four eyes

Four eyes huh 

Perhaps we could get a name from the good people of VGC!

 Yeah, haha. Though it feels like I'm making fun of her

I'd be interested to hear what people say : )

You definitely are, judging from today's profile picture 

Wise choice choosing this one to immortilize in VGC history, by the way

 What, Shantae? o:


Those hips (envy)


I was hoping Skull Four Eyes would be used instead x )

Narp. Unless you link it. 

 Though I want people to have a good time, not a bad x )

Speaking of, any new pieces you'd like to share with us here? 

 new art pieces?

Yeah so any new drawings? 

 I have some, but I don't tend to scan them... >_>;;;

As soon as I finish one, it's off to the next


 My next thread will have a comic, so there is that...

You can't leave us hanging like that 

 look out for a Halloween comic in a few hours ; )

Fiiiiiiine I supppooooooossssseeeee 

(Though it'll likely go up before this thread so I'll link it)

 And a compilation of all my avis from the month will appear soon too

Excellent! :) 

That's about all we have time for

Just one more question from me

 o: ooooh...

: ) sure

Can Ultra marry Four Eyes? 

 o: No. She is mein after all...

Sorry Ultra x )

Sorry man. I tried. 

But understandable

 Join the club : P

Alright, well thanks for your time Cloud. Very insightful and enjoyable! 

 Thanks for inviting me too : )

Looking forward to the thread, and your new pictures too ;) 

 Sure thing, I'll try to finish ASAP



So there we have it! I hope you enjoyed this episode and look forward to the next one. As usual, feel free to ask any and all questions below and Cloudman will try to answer them. And don't forget to vote for the next user to be interviewed, too!

As usual StarOcean has left a recipe below. Check it out and decide for yourself if it's serious or not.


StarOcean's Cookery Corner

Recipe for Coconut Cream Pie!

Prep Time: 20mins

Cook Time: 30mins

Ready in: 4hrs 50mins


-1 cup sweetened flaked coconut

-3 cups half-and-half

-2 eggs, beaten

-3/4 cup white sugar

 -1/2 cup all-purpose flour

 -1/4 teaspoon salt

-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
-1 (9 inch) pie shell, baked

-1 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2. Spread the coconut on a baking sheet and bake it, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, about 5 minutes.

3. In a medium saucepan, combine the half-and-half, eggs, sugar, flour and salt and mix well. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove the pan from the heat, and stir in 3/4 cup of the toasted coconut and the vanilla extract. Reserve the remaining coconut to top the pie.

5. Pour the filling into the pie shell and chill until firm, about 4 hours.

6. Top with whipped topping and with the reserved coconut.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.