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- this form introduced in Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F is the result of a Saiyan getting the power of a Super Saiyan God and becoms Super Saiyan with blue hair

- in the recent Dragon Ball Super manga the "goofy" term to refer to this Super Saiyan form appears to be addressed and rectified.

- the manga appears to show a discussion where Vegeta and Goku discuss the transformation name:

Vegeta: “Hahaha! That’s just what I was hoping for! Obviously if we’re both Super Saiyan God Super Saiyans, then as an elite I’ll definitely be superior!!”

Goku: “No way, my Super Saiyan God Super...Ow!!! I bit my tongue!!!”

Vegeta: “...”

Goku: “Hey Vegeta, can’t we do something about that long name?”

Whis drops down

Whis: “How about...Super Saiyan Blue?”

Vegeta: “...”

Goku: “Blue...”

- there is also a narration in the manga that makes once again allusion to the new name for this Saiyan form:

Narration: “In fact, a little while before this, the terrible emperor Freeza who had previously terrorized the universe came back to life and attacked Earth. However, after meeting Beerus and Whis, Goku and Vegeta received training from Whis, managing to evolve into Super Saiyan Blue, a form surpassing Super Saiyan God. And so they even managed to defeat the revived Freeza!”

So Super Saiyan Blue it is.

Hopefully none of you went out of your way to memorize this one. :P

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: