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Teriol said:
I think yes, no numbers, slow news and moderators aline with companys like sony or others break the balance and the impartiality, this are the reasons vgchrtz is going to crash.

Problems With Moderation. If you have a problem with a moderator or a moderation, send the moderator who issued your moderation a private message (Rule 11 applies to PMs as well as posts, wall posts, and any other moderator-related conversation), and if you are still dissatisfied, send a private message to the Lead Moderators.

  • Do not post these issues in the forums, outside of moderator-sanctioned threads, or on the moderator's wall - doing so will result in moderation action against you.


This is the second time this has been posted. There won't be a third folks. If you have a question or complaint, either PM the moderator who issued your moderation or a head moderator (Veknoid, Axum, or Carl). Thanks. :)