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LuckyTrouble said:
I honestly don't see a major difference between Asterisk and Calvary at this point. Their first episodes were damn near identical in how they progressed, except that more happened in Calvary in terms of action, while Asterisk focused a bit more on exposition. They follow basically the exact same tropes to a near annoying degree.

Saying one is any better than the other at this point just feels like a forced attempt at trimming down the weekly anime count.

That's what I thought.  The differences are so slight that trying to decide which will be the better anime is almost impossible.  Even where they differ, it's only into a slightly different trope or cliche.  If I HAD to choose one, right now I would probably go with Calvary because it worked a bit harder to make its heroine seem human and thus came off a bit less pretentious.  Really, though, the whole superpowers academy that revolves around students dueling one another thing is so uninspired by this point that I might drop both just from apathy.  I usually hold off until the full cast appears, in case one of the side-girls is awesome, so they both do have a chance (maybe) to recover from a dismal first episode.