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generic-user-1 said:
XanderXT said:
generic-user-1 said:
Kennel83 said:
Everybody should be able to get married if they want to, and nobody should give a f#ck whether it's a gay or a straight marriage.

Now, everybody should also have the right to disagree with it, even feel disgusted about it, and there is your human right. But the reason you disagree with something doesn't give you the right to forbid other people to do what you don't like.

And when someone uses the Bible to hate other people is, sorry, but just stupid. I respect christians but, come on, those are your beliefs, not everybody elses. Also, why do christians always use the Bible when they don't like something as if that was reason enough to hate others or forbid something because God said so, but what about all the things christians do but God forbids in the bible? What about divorce? Abortion? Raping? Pre-marriage sex? Lying? Murder? God lets christians do those things now or what? That's so hypocritical!

It's about time everybody starts living their own lives not giving a fuck whether the rest of the world lives as we do or not. Let other people have their own beliefs.

And just to finish, why do christians always talk shit about gay marriage but they shut up when a priest or someone from the church rapes a child? Where are you then? How many articles are written about that? Or why do they shut up when there are arranged marriages between men and small girls? Does the girl want to get married? Isn't she forced to get married? Or what about polygamy?

If a man wants to get married with his male partner, they are both adults and it's consensual, who cares if they get married? I really don't care if two men or two women get married, they are not hurting me nor my family, they are not killing anyone. They are just getting married, good for them.

there is not one word about evil gays in the core bible. the only clear part is in the old testament, and well the old testament is maybe the most inhumane book in printing ever. even mein kampf doesnt have passages about enslaving your own children or killing people because they wear cloth of 2 different materials.

1 Timothy 1:9-10 disagrees with you.

no it doesnt, it talks about pedophilia, among other things.

It doesn't? Then what about 1 Corinthians 6:9?