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Roronaa_chan said:
I didn't like Overlord at all..dropped quickly. Still haven't watched Log Horizon

Overlord took me a few episodes to really get into. Basically nothing happens in the first episode, and the second episode is largely more build up. Overlord really hits its stride episode three onward though and becomes a pretty solid look at how the NPCs and world characters think when they're more than just scripted figures. The MC doesn't really care about getting back to the real world, which I also thought was refreshing, as a big focus for both SAO and Log Horizon is on how the game can be escaped. Technically there is still one episode to go, but I'm glad I picked this one back up after leaving it off on the first episode months ago.

Log Horizon is a totally different beast. Although it still has action, it is a lot more focused on the MMO aspects, such as guilds, classes, and skills. The focus on getting back to the real world is still there, but doesn't necessarily permeate every choice and action. Overall, it is far more technical in nature, but is still very interesting to watch as the mysteries of the video game world slowly become unraveled. Similar to Overlord, NPCs play a major role in how they stop fitting their defined, scripted role that they had held previously. I won't lie, I actually still have two episodes to go in the second season. I tried to blaze through both seasons, but considering that is 50 episodes, I burned myself out.

Like I said, I think both are better than SAO in pretty much every aspect that they share, and exceed SAO in their own unique ways with how they create and handle their worlds and characters. I feel like SAO can't figure out if it wants to be action, romance, or drama focused, and instead fails to do any of them in a way that do the genres justice.