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Okay, I'll do my run down despite two of my shows being an episode short of finishing.

Denpa Kyoushi - I agree that it started off well. I had high hopes for this show that largely remained strong through the first 12 episodes. Then we got the second half, where interactions felt more shallow, certain parts of the plot moved too slow, and other parts moved way too quickly. At the least, I'd say the first half is worth watching.


Arslan Senki - Unless the last episode manages to betray all of the good the series has done, I don't think my feelings will change. This has been an amazing adventure, and although I know the ending will not be the conclusive, amazing bit we're all hoping for, I do know it will satisfy me enough with all of the build up. This is one I'm glad I've followed, and is completely worthy of a watch.


Charlotte - The first half of the first episode is among the most horrifying things I have ever endured, but the show gets really good after that cringe fest passes. There are certainly plot holes, and this didn't have anywhere near the emotional impact that Clannad did (which I still haven't finished because FEELS), or Angel Beats for that matter. I wasn't overly satisfied with the ending either. It had good moments, but some characters really do feel under developed. Overall, it wasn't bad, but it just didn't come with that zing I was expecting.


Food Wars - Oh my god this show. I started watching it when it was only a single episode away from concluding two weeks back. I thought the show sounded kind of dumb, but I would give it a shot. I was hooked from episode one. I never expected a show about food to be this well done. I have absolutely nothing bad to say. This was a surprise hit for me, and I'm glad I randomly decided to give it a shot that night.


Monster Musume - This show. It made me so uncomfortable, not because I was repulsed by the monster girls, but because I was strongly considering which one I would take for my waifu. Let's ignore the fact that I wasn't completely turned off by the spider girl despite my irrational fear of spiders. By far the weirdest harem that ever was and that ever will be.


Prison School - This show also lands in the category of being unsure why I started to watch it, but I do know why I finished it. It's funny, brutal, and all kinds of strange. The ending was super satisfying, and I am uncomfortable with how high on my waifu list Hana ranks. This one needs a second season, and considering I hear it has stuck ridiculously close to the source material, I'd say it's worthy of continuing on.


Gakkou Gurashi - From episode one I was hooked, and the show progressed perfectly expect for the obligatory swimsuit episode that felt super forced and out of place. It might be the one time that I was completely against a fan service episode. That said, I thought the development of the characters was great, a certain event in particular kicked the feels train into express mode, and I look forward to it hopefully getting a second season.


Overlord - I watched the first episode when it was first available, then stopped watching. It just didn't do enough in the first episode to grab my interest. I went back when it was 11 episodes in. Yes. All my yes. This one surprised me in how good it is, too. The focus on the NPC characters and their interpretation of the world and events was amazing, and this is one series I will happily read the light novels for. Once again, unless the final episode somehow manages to betray all the good from the rest of the show, my judgment shouldn't change.


Rokka - This one is a bit harder to judge because, admittedly, I walked in less focused on the bit of the synopsis about there being seven braves when there should be only six, and more on the demon god bit. That said, I was pleasantly surprised at the turn the plot took towards mystery with action, and am reasonably looking forward to this hopefully getting a second season where more of the characters can be fleshed out a bit. I thought the mystery was nice, and although it became somewhat predictable, that didn't detract for me.


GATE - I'm getting tired of typing at this point, but let's just say I liked the plot, I liked the characters, and Rory is a top waifu pick for the season. I look forward to the second cour, though I share the delay disappointment.


God Eater - Ugh. Damn this show. Damn delays. It could have been a pretty but average work, but instead got delayed to hell and won't even properly finish. I'll still eventually watch the rest of this show, but they screwed it up, so, so badly. I can't even be bothered to rate it for content since it's all tainted by the fact that the show won't finish until the bluray collection drops.


My Wife is the Student Council President - Hentai masquerading as a legitimate production.

Many Faps/Many Faps

Otherwise I dropped everything that I didn't think I would really like. Chaos Dragon bored me in the second episode so I stopped watching. Gangsta felt too blah so I stopped watching. Ranpo Kitan was interesting, and I may go back, but I don't really feel like it. Sky Wizards was a huge sack of crap that I gave around four episodes before I quit it and never looked back.