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Scisca said:
rolltide101x said:

Architecture is absolutely nothing to do with it and power was a VERY small factor. 

The reason it failed is because the extra cost from the gamepad, people viewing the gamepad as a gimmck, and terrible advertising.


Nobody is going to buy a Wii U for 300$ when you can get an Xbox One for 350$. If it would have been 250$ and 300$ day 1 and was sitting at 250$ with a game right now its sales would be doubled. (50$ price cut being from the gamepad)

Then I guess we have to agree to disagree. Every single 3rd party developer was complaining about Wii U using PowerPC architecture (thus making ports more difficult and expensive) and being so underpowered. I've decided to ditch the console the day Nintendo announced it and showed the specs - specs worthy of a 2008 console. Sorry Nintendo, I'm not going that route again, I want a quality console, hope you can get NX right.

Wii U was $300 when PS4 was $400 and Xbone was $500. Still got its ass kicked. The console would be cheaper if Nintendo wasn't so bloody cheap and used more modern parts in the GamePad. Not parts so old, that nobody uses them anymore and they have to pay extra to get anyone to take them out from a museum and copy.

I actually don't even know where Nintendo even gets their current LCD displays from, lol. They're soooooooo freaking dated looking, even like the cheap garbage $100 Korean knock-off tablets at Best Buy look miles better. Nintendo must be hoarding them from the "grandma's old portable DVD player from Wal-Mart" factory.