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estebxx said:
bigtakilla said:
estebxx said:

yeah with a small screen and not a proper controller... i hate handhelds becuase of both of those reasons, and Home consoles dont have that problem lets not pretend that becuase they both play games they are completely equal because they are not, they have VERY distinct differences and hence they are classified in subcategories, the one is a Home console and the other is a Handheld.

if you wanna say that they are both consoles because they are both gaming devices (and thats what you people mean by that) then go ahead, but dont pretend that they dont have differences that put them in different subcategories (Home Consoles/ Handhelds).

Then please, do expand on these differences? How is the controller not a proper one? 

look at the controls in a Vita or a 3DS and then look at an X1 or PS4 controller and tell me that they are all just as ergonomic? answer is no they are not, the console ones are WAY more ergonomic. way more comfortable to use.


In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank